Healing Handcrafting

exploring process and healing through fiber arts and handcrafting

Monday Musings~ Worry Sucks


I definitely spent a lot of time worrying about people I love and places I hold in my heart these last few days as Irma coverage got scarier. I avoid the Weather Channel because damn is it dramatic, and the turbo intense music is insulting. But even reading about the hurricane in my own quiet head made for stress and ineffectual worry. My worry literally did nothing to help people. 

But, I cleaned the hell out of my house and found a painting I did years ago of the house grew up in on Sanibel. I’m not a skilled painter, but I love it. 

I picked up a sweater I’ve been working on for five months. I even knit a few stitches while watching a terribly stupid movie. I’ve never done that before. A success? 

I wove a little with my buddy, Mittens, who is achieving a starring role on this here blog. 

I had some sister time at the lake,

And got some crazy love from my puppy niece. 

I sent a lot of love into the air and realized I need to learn to build a fire from scratch. 

Last week’s goals are this week’s: seriously. Finish the shawl (or maybe table runner?). I’m screwing up enough to make me want to bail on the whole thing but I feel like the little bitty mess ups might not be reflective of the whole thing. Just like a bad day doesn’t mean the whole month is bad. But seriously, my selvages need work. <Palm slapping head>.

I played with my littles a lot after school and truly, sometimes playing just means sitting on the floor and letting them climb all over me so I can tickle them. This will remain a goal. Our days are infinitely better when we heart to heart connect after a long day apart. 

I never did start the hat I have stuck in my head as an idea. I was too worried. 

Author: healinghandcrafting

I am a psychologist and a fiber enthusiast. I have a deep interest in the healing effects of handcrafting, and its place in our common histories.

4 thoughts on “Monday Musings~ Worry Sucks

  1. Irma caused a lot of worry here, too. The Gulf Coast seems to have fared relatively well, contrary to all predictions!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Heart to heart connecting is so good. Don’t ‘worry’ about not starting the hat. Sometimes other things are more important than following our plans

    Liked by 1 person

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