Healing Handcrafting

exploring process and healing through fiber arts and handcrafting

Some Days Nature Insists Upon Being Noticed


On a walk to a neighbor’s garage sale, I remembered to look around. 

Okay, not nature per se, but beautiful, delicate bounty from my early morning jaunt. 

Hello, Bee. Help the pumpkins to grow! 

Morning in slow motion. 

Cicada grown out of its home, preparing to fly somewhere. Where do these things go?

I turned when I felt something looking at me… Oh, hello! 

A hiding watermelon! 

A hiding pumpkin! Was I supposed to weed my pumpkin patch?

Lookout, little bug. 

Sunflowers have some things to teach me. 

Tall grasses dancing like ladies with long tresses and feathery fans. 

This was a good day. 

Author: healinghandcrafting

I am a psychologist and a fiber enthusiast. I have a deep interest in the healing effects of handcrafting, and its place in our common histories.

2 thoughts on “Some Days Nature Insists Upon Being Noticed

  1. The nature photos are beautiful but I got all hung up on the vintage linens! Is that a little purse with the crocheted balls on the bottom?

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